The Sacrament of Baptism is the first step in initiation into the Catholic Community of the Church. For the Baptism of infants, parents are reminded of their responsibility to nurture the child in faith and love.

Please contact the parish office on 02 6674 1284 on a Wednesday or Thursday to speak with Catherine or Marty about the process of Baptism and for Baptism bookings.

You will need to attend a preparation meeting – this will be explained when you contact the office. Your attendance at these meetings must be booked, they are usually held at 10.00am on the 1st Sunday of the month in the Parish Meeting Room at Kingscliff.  (Sponsors are encouraged to attend with parents.).

Baptisms are held in St Anthony’s Church on Sundays following the 9:00am Mass (except 1st Sunday of each Month).

For adults, refer to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).