Legion of Mary

In 1921, 15 people met in Dublin with the aim to best to serve God in the form of a Lay Apostolate. The group invoked the aid of the Holy Spirit and recited the Rosary, and decided to visit the Dublin Union Hospital (in pairs) where there were many poor, friendless, aged patients, in addition, they decided to hold a meeting each week.

Thus, origins of the Legion of Mary, exist nearly 100 years later in the same form of coming together in prayer, participating in apostolic work and a weekly meeting. The Parish’s Legion of Mary group organise the annual retreat day, visitations and prayer groups.

The Parish’s Legion of Mary group gather for 8am Mass every Wednesday at Kingscliff and then join together in the Parish meeting room.

For more information on how to join St Anthony’s Parish Legion of Mary, contact the Parish Office.