Family Groups

If you have ever wondered how to be more involved in Parish life or get to know people better in our Parish, then you aren’t alone. Joining a Family Group enables you to meet new people and enjoy the company of other families in the Parish.

Family Groups meet at different times and at different locations, depending on what the Groups choose to do.

Everyone is welcome; regardless of your family structure. It is a supportive network that will give you a sense of belonging. For more information on joining a Parish Group please contact the Parish office.

So what is a Family group?

Family Groups aim to build Christian community through the
development of extended families.
With loneliness and isolation so prevalent in our society, there is a
genuine need for people to know and support each other.
Family Groups create an extended family atmosphere within the
community and are open to everyone.
Our focus is on people caring for, loving and accepting each other.