Wills & Bequests

For many people thinking about their Will can make them feel uncomfortable, but a Will is an opportunity to leave a legacy and make a difference.

Your Will enables you to provide for your family, friends, loved ones and any cause you support. Your Will can ensure the future financial well being of your family and other people you wish to benefit.

Our Parish has many different missions within the community which include assisting the frail, elderly, sick or those of us who are just in need of help. Our Parish supports schools, our seniors, our families, the marginalised and the poor. There are many people who are assisted by our Parish who would not otherwise receive any help.

You can help the Parish with a donation in your Will. Alternatively a bequest to your Parish means that you can see how the money will be used.

Create lasting change in people’s lives. Remembering our Parish in your Will assists the Church to continue to make positive changes to people’s lives every day. You can help make a difference.


“If you wish to include a contribution to your Parish, simply select the most relevant section to add to your Will. Thank you again for your support”

1. If you wish to leave a specific bequest

“I give the sum of ______dollars/or* ___% of my estate, free of all duties to the Parish Priest for the time being of the Kingscliff Catholic Parish for the benefit of the Catholic Parish of Kingscliff in the state of New South Wales and I DECLARE that the receipt of Parish Priest of the Kingscliff Catholic Parish shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees who shall not be obliged to see the application thereof”.

2. If you wish to make a residuary bequest

“I give the rest and residue of my estate to the Kingscliff Catholic Parish for the benefit of the Catholic Parish of Kingscliff Parish Priest for the time being and I DECLARE the receipt of the Parish Priest of the Catholic Parish of Kingscliff shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees who shall not be obliged to see the application thereof.”

* Choose either a dollar amount or a percentage

Contact the Parish Business Manager on how to add the Parish into your Will or to make a Bequest.

If you need assistance in preparing your Will, download the free Personal Information Booklet (pdf, 133k). Take this to your legal advisor and they can help you make a Will that suits your wishes. The personal information booklet also gives the correct wording for your legal advisor on how to add the Parish to your Will.