Liturgy Committee

The Parish has a very active Liturgy Committee which helps with the organisation and planning of our Masses and Liturgies. The Committee arranges the volunteer rosters for hospitality, readings, flowers, Sacristy, Offertory and Holy Communion.

Liturgy is the public prayer of the Church and includes the sacraments. It is through the Liturgy and the sacraments that the faithful, by their full, active and conscious participation, encounter the Living God and return to the world to fulfill their baptismal call to discipleship. The Liturgy has central and formative place in the Church, in the Parish and in the life of every Catholic.

Chaired by the Parish Priest, Fr. Paul McDonald, St Anthony’s Liturgy Committee members represent the major liturgical ministries and have an understanding of the relevance and roles that those ministries have within the liturgy. The Liturgy Committee is responsible for the overall vision of the liturgy and setting both long and short term goals for the liturgical year.

Our committee prepares each liturgy through:

  • consideration of the liturgical needs of all – different ages, ethnic groups, gender, etc.
  • developing policies for liturgical celebrations
  • arranging liturgical formation and ongoing training for Liturgical Ministries
  • implementing changes as required by the Church
  • ongoing evaluation of parish liturgical celebrations
  • preparation and execution of the liturgy

The Liturgy Committee usually meets on the last Friday of the month at 3:30pm, in the Parish Meeting Room. Other meetings are called as required.



Liturgy Rosters

Rosters are available in the weekly Bulletin, or download the Liturgy roster here.

Information for all those on the roster:

Please check in with the Sacristan. When you arrive at the church please seek out the Sacristan to make them aware you are there for your rostered ministry. This makes their job more manageable. For any roster changes, please contact the Parish Office ph: 02 66741284

Vigil Roster Jan-Jun 2025

Pottsville 7.30am Roster Jan-Jun 2025

Kingscliff 9am Roster Jan-Jun 2025